The Molecular Therapeutics Initiative launches from UC Berkeley to catalyze the development of new disease therapies and to train the next-generation of drug discoverers
UC Berkeley launches the Molecular Therapeutics Initiative (MTI) to accelerate drug discovery
MTI member Markita Landry wins the Blavatnik Prize
Markita Landry announced as laureate for Blavatnik National Award
Julia Schaletzky named as Executive Director of the Molecular Therapeutics Initiative
Julia Schaletzky named as Executive Director of the Molecular Therapeutics Initiative
Ziyang Zhang awarded the NIH Director's New Innovator Award
Ziyang Zhang awarded the NIH Director's New Innovator Award
Jennifer Doudna featured in Fast Company Cover article as one of the 10 most innovative people of the last 10 years
Jennifer Doudna featured in Fast Company Cover article as one of the 10 most innovative people of the last 10 years
Helen Bateup part of research team awarded $12 MM grant from CIRM
Helen Bateup is part of a research team awarded a $12 million grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine!